조회 : 895

[해외][여행]National Monument 국립기념비 @ KL

BY durian32 2007-06-24

레이크가든에 이웃해 있는 National Monument 국립기념비에 가 봤습니다.
( 말레이어로는  Tugu Negara 입니다. )

주요 전시물은 공원 안쪽 연못 가운데 위치한 청동조각상!!
1966년에 공산폭동을 진압한 영웅을 기리기 위해
유명한 조각가인 Felix de Weldon이 만든 작품인데
높이가 15.54m에 달한 답니다.
그래서 이 조형물은 세계에서 가장 큰 입체조각中의 하나로 알려져 있지요.^^

영문 해설을 첨부합니다. 출처 : http://lamjo.tripod.com/nmonu.html

The National Monument is located on a hill in the Lake Gardens. The whole area reserved for the National Monument occupies 4.86 hectares (about 12 acres) of which one    third is the actual levelled crest of the hill. The building of the monument was initiated by Tunku Abdul Rahman, our 1st Prime Minister to commemorate those who died in the cause of peace and freedom .

주차장쪽 입구에서 들어가면...
제일 먼저 사각기둥 모양의 기념탑 Cenotaph 이 보입니다.


The Cenotaph stands north of the Pavilion on a 7 stepped rectangular base. It measures 45 ft high. The granite structure was built in 1921 to commemmorate the fallen troops in WWI, later the names of those who fell in WWII and the Emergency were added to the roll of honour.
The Cenotaph was originally placed at Victoria Avenue (now called Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin) near the KL Railway Station. It was taken apart piece by piece in November 1961 and reassembled at its present site when the National Monument was built.

출처 : http://lamjo.tripod.com/nmonu.html

Cenotaph를 지나 계속 안으로 들어가면...이번엔 초승달 모양의 회랑이 나타납니다.

회랑을 지나 안으로 걸어들어가면 ...연못 가운데 서 있는 기념동상이 보입니다.

안내문 보이시죠? ...^&^ ...그리고, 해석은 각자 알아서 하시길... -,.-


자, 이게 바로 청동으로 만들어진 National Monument 입니다.


The seven soldiers atop the national monument symbolise the loyalty, sacrifice and co-operation of the people of Malaysia. Built in honour of those who had fought (and also those who fell) in World War II and the Emergency of Malaya, this monument sits on a tranquil spot, surrounded by a pool of water fountains and water lilies made of pewter.
출처 : http://www.virtualmalaysia.com/destination/National%20Monument.html

The Monument, comprising seven bronze figures, stand on a oblong base in the centre of a reflecting pool. The monument's base is made from a polished emerald coloured stone specially mined from the Arctic Circle. The figures represent different branches of the Malaysian security forces in combat uniform. Five of them depict the victorious security forces. The top-most central figure, the onl   y unarmed, holds the Malaysian flag. Lower down, to the left and right of the central figures are 2 soldiers, one    holding a rifle and bayonet and the other a machine-gun. In the centre between them are 2 other soldiers, one    wounded, the other giving him aid and comfort. This symbolises leadership, unity, strength, vigilance, suffering, sacrifice and courage of our heroic fighters. Below them are 2 fallen enemies. Taken as a whole, the monument represents the triumph of the forces of democracy, peace and freedom over the forces of evil.
The monument is created by American sculptor, Felix de Weldon. (He also designed the Iwo Jima Memorial in Washington DC). The monument was initially created in plaster in his studio in Washington and cast in the Via Appia foundry in Rome, Italy. It cost RM600,000 and was completed in 1965. The entire sculpture weighs 243 tonnes.
In the early morning of 26th August, 1975, the monument was partly damaged by a bomb planted by terrorists. It was reopened to public in mid-1977 after restoration work has been done.

출처 : http://lamjo.tripod.com/nmonu.html

동상주변을 빙 둘러 연못 Reflecting Pool 이 만들어져 있습니다.
The monument stands in the middle of a pool 280 ft long 101 ft wide. 42 high shooting fountains and 22 small fountains are located in the pool at the front of monument.
At the back of the monument, the pool takes a semi-circular shape and is decorated by a round dish fountain surrounded by 16 artificial blooming waterlilies. 3 leaves are attached to each stalk of the flower. These blossoms are made of pewter. Pewter is an alloy of which the main component is tin, the metal which led to the founding of Kuala Lumpur.

출처 : http://lamjo.tripod.com/nmonu.html


청동조형물의 기단부... 가운데 있는 문장은 말레이국가문장입니다. ^_^

초승달 모양으로 만들어진 회랑 pavilion
A crescent shaped pavilion leads to the monument. The pavilion has a flat roof, topped with 3 golden domes, each with a pointed bronze spire. The central dome is topped with a star and crescent. The floor of the dome is made from Langkawi white marble.
The names of those who have fallen during our wars are eternally remembered and retained on microfilm in a vault located in an area below the central dome. The area has been cordoned off by a black metal grille partition with diamond shaped designs. The ceiling of the pavilion is decorated with insignias and ensigns of the various armies who have fought in our wars.

출처 : http://lamjo.tripod.com/nmonu.html

회랑의 가운데 부분에 있는 말레이지아 각 州의 상징문장 State Emblem 들입니다.

Perak 페락 & Selangor 셀랑고르

Negeri Sembilan 느그리 슴빌란 & Malaka 말라카

 Johor 조호Phang 파항

Terengganu 떠랑가누 & Kelantan 끌란딴

Sarawak 사라왁 & Sabah 사바

말레이 정부 문장 & Perlis 퍼를리스

Kedah 끄다 & Penang 페낭

나오는 길에 바라본 기념탑 Cenotaph

KL주요관광지의 한 곳으로 레이크 가든 맞은편에 있답니다.
나비공원, 새공원 들어가는 진입로의 반대편 언덕.... ^_^
