조회 : 224

영어 번역 잘하시는 분...ㅜ.ㅠ

BY 여인 2007-08-04

방제완 안맞지만...



영어 잘 하시는 분 해석 좀 부탁드려요...

 Directors and the nonpursuit of NAEYC accreditation: Varying definitions of quality 


Across the country, licensed child care centers have the option of going above and beyond state requirements by working towards accreditation through the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs, a division of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). These accreditation standards are based on the current understanding of developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood programs. Although accreditation is widely recognized as the top indicator of quality, many directors choose not to pursue it. Other directors begin the process but quit, and there are many directors who complete the process only to give up after being awarded a deferral. This study is designed to address three basic questions among those program directors: (1) how do they define developmentally appropriate practices, (2) what do they know and believe regarding accreditation, and (3) what are their specific experiences with accreditation and how do these experiences relate to personal beliefs regarding quality.